About Us

This ministry was received from the mighty hand of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by Bro. Stephen Senathipathy. Though he was a great sportsman, one year into his married life he was stuck with a serious physical illness where both his legs were crippled and withdrew him from walking. Medical assistance from India and around the world didn't help him and in fact he was told he wasn't going to live long and to take care of things. The family – his wife and two little boys was in great distress.
During this forsaken period, encouraged by the faith, He and his wife Vigila Stephen spent a whole day fasting and praying behind closed doors. It was then Bro. Stephen saw the glorious hand of our Lord Jesus Christ coming down and touched his head and healed him and revealed many secrets and blessed him with spiritual gifts. As per the Lords calling, without a second thought in mind He gave up his business and surrendered his life for ministry and has been serving the Lord for the last 28 years.
As per Acts 2:38, this is an Apostolic ministry with serves for only one purpose – to lift the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Monthly Promise

January 2017
 Isaiah 61:9
Their descendants shall be known among the Gentiles,
And... More »..

News &Events

13,Apr Website Launch

By the Grace of Our lord and Saviour we have launched our new website site. God will bring many... More »..